HL2 still has a decent variety of weapons and requires a good amount of mobility on the player's part. It's not that it's like CoD either, which is basically a collection of heavily scripted shooting-galleries that lost their charm after the first game. I do feel the balance of the game is off in that it's too easy to kill all the enemies before they do anything interesting, but I never tried to search for any mods that would address that. This whole sequence would work better without the buggy actually, but whatever. I found that daytime has a more desolate feel to it. You can also toogle between night or daytime ''buggy highway'' sequence, whichever works better for you.
Its all toogleable though and you can play with the old ones if you want. The gunplay is better however, with new guns that recoil and have ironsights instead of crosshair. The average fan of this game will probably not appreciate that. And some stupid wall writtings like ''Fuck the Combine! Fuck them in the ass!'' or similar. Note that the mod has some graphic (ha ha) graffiti, like dicks. It looks as good or even better than many modern games, for some reason. But i know many Codexers are serious graphic whores, so.īelow are supposed to be screenshots but this is from a phone so there isnt any.
Although because i am very monocled i preffer the drab, muddy look of the original. I dont like this game very much but it looks pretty good with this mod, if you turn off the ''enhanced'' bloom and camera lens effect.